Campaña - Elegí Sentirte Bien
Tekoá es una marca de infusiones de hierbas, producida íntegramente por la empresa Biofábrica Misiones, en Argentina. Tekoá presenta 5 líneas: Cedrón, Salvia Morada, Menta Piperita, Carqueja y Stevia, estas últimas 2 representan una innovación dentro de la categoría infusiones en saquitos.
Elegí sentirte bien/ Choose to feel good
La campaña se origina a partir de una marcada estrategia de desarrollo de mercado llevada adelante por la empresa. Se buscó la expansión de la marca de hierbas Tekoá a otras latitudes.
Las funciones digestivas son efectivas, por eso el sabor y aroma es intenso y parejo en toda la producción, eso debíamos comunicar, siempre.
El termino Tekoá proviene del Guaraní, lengua nativa de los pueblos originarios de la región, donde hoy se producen dichas infusiones. Los guaraníes fueron los primeros en utilizar las hierbas en sus preparaciones/elaboraciones, con propósitos curativos.
Misiones (Arg) tiene un importante legado de saberes heredados de los guaraníes: saber qué tomar de la naturaleza, para sentirnos mejor; este legado de saberes y sabores nos enorgullece y queríamos contarle al mundo, de allí parte el insight de esta campaña.
Las infusiones de Tekoá son hierbas seleccionadas para un público que prefiere y elige calidad y bienestar; con el objetivo de lograr esa percepción, entendimos desde el principio que la marca tenía que redoblar la apuesta, de allí las decisiones desde el packaging, todos los puntos de contacto, hasta la campaña, tenía que ser diferente, exquisita y memorable.
Cliente: Biofábrica
Fecha: Octubre 2020
Servicios: Arte y diseño de Campaña Publicitaria, Fotografía, Spot comerciales, Web site
Premios: Sello Buen Diseño, Wina 2021

Campaign - Choose to Feel Good
Tekoá is a herbal infusion brand entirely produced by Biofábrica Misiones in Argentina. Tekoá offers five product lines: Lemon Verbena, Purple Sage, Peppermint, Carqueja, and Stevia. The last two represent an innovation within the tea bag infusion category.
Choose to Feel Good
The campaign was born from a well-defined market development strategy implemented by the company. The goal was to expand the Tekoá herbal brand to new markets.
Its digestive benefits are effective, and the flavor and aroma are consistently intense and uniform across all production. Communicating this was essential.
The campaign was born from a well-defined market development strategy implemented by the company. The goal was to expand the Tekoá herbal brand to new markets.
Its digestive benefits are effective, and the flavor and aroma are consistently intense and uniform across all production. Communicating this was essential.
The term Tekoá comes from Guarani, the native language of the region's indigenous peoples, where these infusions are now produced. The Guarani were the first to use these herbs in their preparations, primarily for healing purposes.
Misiones (Argentina) holds a significant legacy of knowledge passed down from the Guarani: knowing what to take from nature to feel better. This heritage of knowledge and flavors is a source of pride, and we wanted to share it with the world. This insight formed the foundation of the campaign.
Tekoá infusions are carefully selected herbs for an audience that values and prioritizes quality and well-being. To achieve this perception, we understood from the beginning that the brand had to go above and beyond. This commitment influenced everything, from the packaging to every touchpoint and the campaign itself, ensuring it was unique, refined, and unforgettable.
Client: Biofábrica
Date: October 2020
Services: Campaign Art and Design, Photography, Commercial Spots, Website
Date: October 2020
Services: Campaign Art and Design, Photography, Commercial Spots, Website
- Argentine Good Design Seal
- WINA 2021